Small business website package

If you want others to follow you, buy your product or use your services, you need to be able to passionately and clearly articulate what you’re all about, and why it matters.

… and that isn’t always easy!

My website package is especially for micro and small businesses that need a new website or are looking to refresh the one they have, and want to make sure it will meet their goals. It starts by exploring your business dreams and who you want to work with, and finishes with website copy that perfectly captures you and your business. Services are packaged according to your needs and can include:

  • Business analysis – to confirm what’s great about your business, the difference it makes and who your ideal customers are
  • Product packaging – so you know what you’re offering to who
  • Communication strategy – to identify the most compelling story and key messages to engage your customers
  • Website copywriting  the words, tone and content that aligns and promotes your brand and inspires you and your customers.


Articulate your business for only $1,500!


Tell me more!

Kerrie and Sean took all the stress out of my business marketing development when they were able to help me understand my own strengths, goals and the direction I wanted to take my business. With their support my business has gone from strength to strength due to the way they both find the best bits of my story and use them in a professional, exciting and innovative way. I never thought I would have a website and content so perfect for my business!
Janene Price

Owner, Love to Grow

Kerrie you’re an absolute superstar! There’s so much about this that I love. It’s totally along the lines of exactly what I had imagined, so many parts are perfect. Thank you. I had the biggest smile on my face as I was reading it for the first time. You totally nailed the feeling I was after. 

Deah Love

Owner, Entia Jewellery

Thank you again for doing my copy and so quickly! I really love how it reads and feel so confident with my website now! Thank you.

Emma Garrett

Owner, The Energy Coach

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